tisdag 10 december 2019

Jumping & Bugfixes

I modified Brackeys code for moving. I made it possible to jump when standing on another character. This was done by checking multiple raycasts under the play, if a collision with another player is close enough, a bool will tell the game that the player is standing "on solid ground". Before this a more simpler check worked fairly well, with only 1 ray. However, as other team members modified the sizes of the playable characters, there was a period when it wasn't possible to jump while standing on another character. I feel that this is a design flaw in the code or Unity. Solid code should be able to handle these kinds of changes in my opinion.

I also from time to time tested the game. If I found too obvious bugs, like a bullet colliding with the water, I fixed it. I also made it so that bullets always gets destroyed if they fly out of the map. In the image below it is shown that the spells are being shot at the wrong layer, causing them to collide with the water (or lava).

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